Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Geo Mapping and Small Industries Essay

1. Identify the key software applications used by The Tea Collection. The Tea Collection used information technologies very successfully to create their business and to make it one of the fastest growing private companies in the US. They do not only use software to design their clothes, they also use applications to sell their products. The executives use geographic data- mapping software to target new selling areas, where are not that many stores for children’s clothing but good demographic circumstances. The Tea Collection has also created a tool bag-in-tool for their retailers to make it easier for them to order new products over the internet. 2. How does the geo-mapping software help the company grow? Explain how sales reps use the results of the geo-mapping system. Tea Collection uses software to be able to sell their clothing line across the country. The executive of Tea Collection uses the software â€Å"geo-mapping† to find territories in the United States where there is not a lot of children’s clothing sold and they can expect to build up their company there because the area is not oversaturated with children’s clothing. It is a geographic data-mapping software, which he uses to find the best place to build up a new Tea Collection store. With the software he can find out the ZIP code of the area without many children’s clothe stores and see the area from closer to make out the landscape where they think a Tea Collection store would fit in best. A yellow dot in a green area shows the highest prospect and sales reps use this system to sell their line there.The geo-mapping software is insofar relevant to the material learned in the 3rd lecture, because it is an information system. In the Tea Collection it especially plays a role for ensuring their survival and to promote competitive advantage. The customer service is as well improved. Tea Collection invests one percent of the income into information systems to develop new services they can use in their company. 3. What is the main technology challenge identified in the video? How would you suggest this challenge should be addressed? The main technology challenge identified in this video is the integration of the different computer systems, according to Rawdon, one of the founders of this business †the biggest challenge is the technology’s integration† The Tea Collection uses â€Å"multiple computer systems which don`t integrate automatically† (Rawdon) and therefore the task of integrating those systems are accomplished by people. Firstly, I would suggest to address this challenge by investing money in in-house training of the people working on integrating these systems. So that everyone in the company has the same knowledge consequently it will be easier to work together Moreover, on communication specialized employees whose task is the communication between the people working with those computer systems could enhance the working atmosphere as well as lower the time needed. Finally, Rawdon also states that the Tea Collection couldn’t survive without technologies. In spite of this the company only invests one percent of sales in IT. It could be suggested to invest more money in technologies and also in research to figure out a better integration of the computer systems. This would result in less dependency on people and therefore in less time and less mistakes. 4. Do you believe this company can continue to grow rapidly with the existing software and hardware they have demonstrated in this video? Why or why not? According to the information provided and considering the development of information technologies, the smaller companies like The Tea Collection could expand and grow rapidly. Their business would not be realizable and successful without technology, because business owners know that time is money – and no business can afford to be days behind the competition. We do believe that with the software and the hardware demonstrated, the company will continue the steady growth shown in the past 10 years and spending only 1% of the sales on IT, seems to be the best investment in their flourishing business.

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